IOS Permission Settings- If you want to limit Clickfree access to specific photos/contacts

Your Apple device may need a setting enabled to ensure that your Clickfree app can work as expected. 
To do this you will want to Allow Access.


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll down until you see the Clickfree app icon- 
    -Select the Clickfree icon

  3. Be sure to have the following toggled green
    -Photos (Full access)

  4. Go back to your Home screen and re-open your Clickfree app.

    Screen recording link of this process

* Below is what you would want your screen to look like


Your Apple device will allow you to limit what apps have access to on your device. 

If you'd like for a specific album to always back up, for instance, this could come in handy. 
This would also be useful as an alternative if you want to backup documents and have them saved in your Screenshot Album. 

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Scroll down until you see the Clickfree app icon

    • this will bring up options of what you would like Clickfree to have access to

  3. Toggle whatever selection you DO want Clickfree to have access to
    - (Contacts, Photos, Microphone, Camera)

    • options are: Limited Access, Full Access, None. 

  4. For example, if you only wanted Screenshots to back up when you're using Clickfree you would choose Limited Access, and select your album titled Screenshots 

Now every time you use your Clickfree it will only back up whatever you enabled