Datalogixx MO Disk App Installation Guide and Use of the Menu options for ANDROID

MO Disk App Installation Guide for Android

Installation Steps

1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.

2. Type "Mo Disk" in the search bar and hit Enter.


3. Find the Datalogixx MO Disk App in the search results and tap Install.


Once the Mo Disk application has been installed, the app icon will appear on your device’s home screen.

Connecting the Datalogixx Device

4. Plug in the Datalogixx device to your iOS device.

5. A prompt message will appear and it will ask you to select an application for the USB device.Tap Mo Disk then Tap Always


6. The App will launch. Tap Allow to grant the necessary permissions. Then Tap OK on the OTG prompt. The app should show USB Connected indicating that the Datalogixx is successfully connected to your phone.






  • When you tap the “Backup Everything” button, the app will start to back up all your photos, videos, and contacts. This is a comprehensive backup solution that ensures all your important data is safely stored.



  • Select “Backup Photos/Videos” to choose specific media files for backup. You can either backup all photos/videos or select specific ones. 


  •  Select “Backup Photos/Videos” to back up all the Photos and Videos. 


  • When you choose “Select Photos/Videos to Backup”, you’ll be directed to a page where you can select the images you want to back up. A checkmark will appear on the selected images. After you choose “Done”, you’ll receive a saving notification followed by a “Photos saved successfully” notification. These photos will be stored in a folder in “View Backup Storage”.



  • Tap “Backup Contacts”,  You’ll then see a “Saving contacts” pop-up, followed by a “ Contacts Saved successfully” message. This ensures all your contacts are safely backed up.



  • You can check any folder here at any time to see any of the backups that have been previously saved into folders. For example, if you want to view the photos you just backed up, tap “View Backup”, then “Selected Photo and Video”, and finally the specific folder you’d like to see.




  • To take pictures and videos using your Datalogixx , choose this option. The app will ask if you’re taking a photo or video and then open your camera.




The hamburger menu is the Mo Disk's Settings and this can be found in the upper left corner of your screen. This menu is represented by three horizontal lines. To open it, simply tap these lines



  1. Language: This option allows you to change the app’s language to your preferred one.
  2. Format: This feature enables you to format Datalogixx . Additionally, you can check the available storage left here.
  3. About: Here, you can find information about the app, such as the firmware and app version.
  4. Backup Settings: This option provides several functionalities related to backup. You can set up Auto Backup, delete the local backup, and clear backup data.
  5. Help: Tapping this will direct you to the Datalogixx website where you can get assistance from live agents.
  6. Export Log: This feature allows you to export the log files for troubleshooting or record-keeping purposes.
  7. Privacy Policy: Here, you can review Datalogixx 'sprivacy policy to understand how your data is handled.
  8. Visit Official Site: This option redirects you to Datalogixx 's official website for more information, updates, and support.